Ticket Price: £7.00
Wine reception 6.30 pm
Lecture at 7.00 pm
Dinner from 8.00 pm
Ticket registration: here.
Enquiries: contact@thebyronsociety.com
‘Don’t you think that I have a very Good Knack for novel writing?’, asked Byron in an early letter. This talk will trace some of Byron’s most revealing encounters with the evolving form of the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century novel. Byron claimed to have read ‘novels bythe thousand’ and over the course of his career made several unfinished attempts at fictional tales in prose, including a ‘Chapter of a Novel’ in 1813. He would come to describe his great long poem Don Juan as ‘a poetical’ Tristram Shandy. Byron was deeply familiar with the art of the novelist. This talk asks a more specific question: what can this lifelong interest in prose tell us about Byron the poet?
Art Workers Guild
6 Queen Square
London WC1N 3AT
See Map
Drinks 6.30-7.00
Lecture 7.00-8.00pm
There will be a dinner for those who wish to join, details will be confirmed closer to the time.