To take place on Byron’s 235th birthday
Sunday, January 22, 2023
2:00 p.m. EST / 6.00pm GMT
ONLINE [ezcol_1third] [/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]
Dozens of readers, one great poem!
You are cordially invited to be one of the readers
at a group reading on Zoom of The Vision of Judgment by Lord Byron
Hosted by The Byron Society of America,
The Fordham Romantics Group (John Bugg),
and Susan Wolfson (Princeton University).
This Vision is 106 ottava rima stanzas, and our reading, we think, will take about 45 minutes. Our initial plan and hope are to assign two stanzas per reader, but if more than 53 volunteers come forward (the more the merrier!), we’ll take them on, with final adjustments in January. Everyone who wants to participate will be welcome!
To sign up, please contact Alice Levine by October 15, 2022: